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1. I understand quite well about Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL). On PBLL we can learn about language skills, technical skills, and publishing competence. After studying PBLL we can be self publisher on the future.

2. PBLL can influence and improve my ability in reading. On PBLL we learn about prewriting. So before we make a product, we have to think and get a idea by reading the references. From reading that reference, my reading skill can be improving.

3. PBLL can influence and improving my ability in writing. On PBLL we learn about drafting and revising. In drafting we have to write our ideas on the paper and in revising we have to reflect on our first draft we make before. From there my writing skill can be improving.

4. PBLL can influence and improving my ability in listening. On PBLL we learn about drafting and editing. We can be listening ideas and get a suggestion from our team members. We can listen to suggestion team members who find a mistake in the draft. From suggestion and sharing idea with team member my listening skill can be improving.

5. PBLL can influence and improving my ability in speaking. On PBLL we learn about publishing, marketing, and delivering. We have to provide and deliver the products to marketing targets and to clients by speaking. Our speaking ability can be improved with it.

6. In my project, I have 4 members including me. We create a company called Picture Perfect. This company based in the field of photo and video services for pre-wedding and wedding. We provide quality services at affordable prices, professional and full of responsibility for costumer satisfaction.

7. The editorial judgment on my project is good. This is useful to apply to the business profile and business proposal so that sentence is easily understood. Therefore, can help to develop a business properly. 


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  Car Free Day adalah sebuah inisiatif yang menginspirasi ribuan warga kota setiap minggu untuk meninggalkan kendaraan pribadi mereka dan merayakan mobilitas berkelanjutan. Di pagi cerah setiap Minggu, jalan-jalan utama menjadi tumpuan berbagai kegiatan. Car Free Day bukan hanya sekadar mengurangi polusi udara, tapi juga merayakan kehidupan kota yang lebih sehat dan berkelanjutan. Sebuah hari di mana kota hidup dengan lebih sederhana, berkeliling dengan lebih ramah lingkungan, dan tersenyum lebih banyak.